Borrowers will not be charged interest during this

April 30, 2016 · 0 Comments

All we ask of families is to keep to social distancing guidelines in an effort to keep everyone involved in the visit safe, we may have restrictions in place on visiting your loved one dependant on the circumstances of their passing.While we are currently unable to provide flowers from our own florists, you can still arrange for your own or perhaps even bring some from your garden.We feel it’s important that you know that the care we provide to your loved one will continue as normal. Our colleagues are highly trained with years of experience and are able to deal with any aspect of your family’s situation with compassion, safety and care.Funeral service As you may have seen in the news, Government guidelines mean that there is a limit to the number of attendees at funeral services and so we ask families to follow the restrictions that are in place at the funeral venue.Currently, these restrictions mean that only immediate family attend the funeral. Immediate family includes partners, parents, Cheap Jerseys china children, siblings and grandchildren.

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