A CNN investigation in February last yearrevealed

July 28, 2016 · 0 Comments

Yemen is embroiled in a civil war that has pitted a coalition backed by Saudi Arabia and the UAE both key US allies against the Iran backed Houthi rebels, and the presence of American made weaponry has only helped to fuel the fighting.A CNN investigation in February last yearrevealed that both American allies had given US made equipment to al Qaeda linked fighters, hardline Salafi https://www.mvpjerseyshop.us militias, and other fighting factions in Yemen, despite their agreements with Washington.Under those agreements, the UAE and Saudi Arabia were legally required to receive permission to transfer equipment to other parties, but that permission was never obtained,the Department of Defense said at the time. Emirati officials denied they were in violation at the time, while the Saudis did not respond to requests for comment.In the wake of CNN report, the US government launched its own investigation which includeddispatching teams to the UAE and Saudi Arabia and put further deliveries of US hardware to the UAE on hold pending the results of that inquiry.Two US officials with knowledge of the joint State Department and Pentagon investigation told CNN it took over a year to complete because of what one source described as delaying tactics by the UAE.While the probe concluded earlier this year, its findings have not been made public. But multiple government officials on both sides of the aisle and within the administration told CNN that the UAE has now been cleared.The State Department has told some leaders in Congress that it is no actual transfers were made, and has sure the UAE fully appreciates the letter of their agreements with the US, another source with knowledge of the investigation told CNN.With that assurance, the lawmakers gave their blessing to a new proposed sale of US military hardware Cheap Jerseys free shipping to the UAE, the source said.On May 7, theUS Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) announcedthat the Pentagon had approved the proposed sale of up to 4,569 surplus US made Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicles to the UAE for an estimated cost of $556 million.

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