Often, when we look back at the holocaust, we fail

July 5, 2016 · 0 Comments

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Cheap Jerseys china Koch, the prominent billionaire and Republican donor, while on an official visit to Kansas last October, The Wall Street Journal reported. In December, CNN reported that while on cheap jerseys a State Department trip to London, Pompeo quietly met with Republican donors for dinner in a hotel.The Times reported that these meetings took place as Pompeo was “considering a run for the Senate from his adopted home state of Kansas and as he nurtures plans for a presidential bid in 2024.”According to The Times, Democratic Senator Bob Menendez called for a special counsel investigation to see if Pompeo’s frequent trips to Kansas were legal.Lawmakers are looking into the circumstances surrounding the firing of State Department Inspector General Steve Linick, last week.Linick, who Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee Rep. Eliot Engel alleges was investigating Pompeo over an $8 billion Saudi arms deal, among other things, was reportedly fired by President Donald Trump at Pompeo’s urging, according to reports.Pompeo has called allegations that the firing was retaliatory “patently false.”The Times reported that American Oversight, a liberal legal watchdog group, demanded that details of Pompeo’s domestic trips should be turned over by the State Department.”It’s becoming increasingly clear that Secretary Pompeo is using the State Department to support his political career, and is using the position of secretary of state to collect a Rolodex of powerful people to support him for whatever venture he sees next,” Austin Evers, the group’s executive director, who worked at the State Department during the Obama administration told The Times.The Times added that some have defended Pompeo including Alan Cobb, the president and chief executive of the Kansas Chamber of Commerce, and a longtime friend of his.”What’s he supposed to do not reach out and have social interaction with business leaders because his name has been associated with the presidential race? It’s part of the job,” Cobb told the Times Cheap Jerseys china.